Monday, October 17, 2011

take no thought for the morrow

what's in my heart to do? if i know it, then i'm already graced with an incredible gift, because so very few people seem to have a clue. if i know it, then i'm honor-bound to pursue it, without flinching at what tomorrow might bring, instead focusing on what i can do in THIS moment to make it so.

i'm doubly, triply, calculate to infinity blessed because of having already experienced what it feels like to reach a goal that so many thought beyond hope. it took 35 years of quiet belief that it was possible. seems long, but i look back at it as simply taking as long as it took.

for decades & decades, i thought that my goal was better relationship with my birth family. not a good one, just better. and i got to experience that. remarkable!

what amazes me over & over are all the unimaginable blessings that open up from pursuing a goodly goal. it never ever dawned on me that my psyche would hit a reset button, as it has over these past two weeks. it feels - really & truly - like my innermost being has returned to where it was in my earliest days. and i do mean earliest! so cool, so unexpected. so waiting to be expanded into new goals. goals that will take as long as they take, taking no thought for the morrow.

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