Friday, January 25, 2013

Wordlessness * Oneness * Imagination * Forming

These are the four skills that help open us up to magic in our lives.  Instead of occasionally experiencing, occasionally seeing it our lives, these four techniques help us focus in on the miraculous that is not so rare as most of us tend to think.

Each of them makes such total sense as to leaving me with a totally, "Ah, yes - that makes sense" response.

Of course WORDLESSNESS is our truest self - we might not ponder it, but words are total artifice, created out of need to communicate with others. But put together two people who don't share the same language and the limitations of language becomes immediately apparent.  Words reflect our being's crassest self;  WORDLESSNESS embodies our highest, most fully genuine.

Of course ONENESS is our truest self - everything is one, barriers are themselves mere figments of imagination gone amuck.  Barriers between people & peoples, barriers within ourselves - they are no more real than the lines on a map that delineate countries.  Let go of the illusion of separateness, embrace & experience & be immersed in ONENESS.

Of course IMAGINATION is our truest self - everything that is but hasn't been manifested in the here & now is imagination.  Wow....  It's not cutesy or airy fairy, but downright amazing - when our true eyes are open, so MUCH we never considered because of thinking in space/time concepts keeps taking our breath way while constantly breathing new inspiration to help us see the unlimited What Is around us.  Instead of balking at questions, IMAGINATION opens the way to seeing the host of answers swirling around us.

Of course FORMING is our truest self, and the last aspect of the four - we start out with the illusion that we're formed, then liberate ourselves from language, our most obvious limiting illusion, language, see that everything is one, are awakened to the jaw-dropping endless vastness of imagination,  use all those new ah ha-nesses to come to genuine FORMING, which has no relation to the form we had starting out.

Totally cool....

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