Sunday, May 27, 2012

Slogging Through

Expected to get so much accomplished in May - instead, it feels like I've been treading water, except it's been in a great vat of metaphysical oatmeal.  All has NOT been in place.

And that, dear friends, is part of an ancient pattern in my life that needs to be recognized, then set aside. Historically, the more I wanted to do something, the more I made it the last thing that was done, sometimes it never even was recognized with action.  Just blithering.  Because that's what dreams without actions is - mere blithering.

Well, at least I don't have to be an idiot.  Can get back the past 4+ weeks, but I can learn from them.  This turning things around isn't going to happen overnight or in a fortnight or even in four months.  But it can happen by simply keeping slogging through.  Don't let that vat of metaphysical oatmeal become quick sand that sucks me under.  Get over to the side of the vat & CLIMB OUT.  Might not be easy, but no one else can do it for me.

Instead of taking my self to task for not being more of the Task Type that's my true nature, realize that the voluntarily-induced amnesia of the past month is a sure sign that my current intended path onward & upward is spot on, or else I wouldn't have ignored it so persistently.  All that needs be done is ignore the deep desire to ignore, instead recognizing the powerful inclination to induce self-imposed slumbers which can only be undone by the invigorating awareness that breaks the spell.

Stop slumbering & keep slogging through!

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