Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Thoughtless (is good!)

Over the past few days, I have not acted normally.  And that is wonderful!

In the wee small hours of Sunday morning, decided to stud the edge of Tom & Nina’s scrapbox with ½” pearls, set 2” apart, instead of trimming it with ribbon as planned.  It didn’t hit me until later, long after the entire box was completed, that the pearl-trimmed edge mirrored an architectural element in the far background of the photo that graced the lid.  Happenstance?  At the time, I thought, “Serendipity!”  Now…  Not so sure.

About an hour before the party honoring the two kicked off, I crafted a “spacer” for the 12” x 14” box out of a piece of extra 12” x 12” black scrap paper.  It basically made itself.  No conscious thought on my part, although I was aware that the contents kept shifting.  Alas, the paper spacer kept collapsing – solved, when I simply rolled up a piece of paper & slipped it inside, creating enough tension to maintain its integrity.  Eureka!

Last night, I was tired.  Bred-in-the-bone tired.  John & I were picking up a few things at the grocery store, then we were headed down to Miss Philly Grill for dinner, because I was NOT up to cooking.  As we shopped, it hit me that what I really wanted on such a dank, dark evening was a nice hot plate of spaghetti – and I had a large jar of yummy sauce at home, along with a box of campanelli pasta (bell-shaped, captures the sauce).  What didn’t process until we were eating three hours later was that the amount of time it took to make the dish & let it simmer long enough to develop a full, satisfying flavor was also the amount of time it took for me to bake 175 mini cupcakes for today’s Cupcake Lady activity at the New Church Day picnic (looking forward to when we have a regular-sized oven & the same task takes 45 mins!).    I hadn’t consciously calculated the time & very light required energy in my head, but it’s pretty darn clear that something up there toted up the advantages.

With three  (3) such instances over as many days, am delighted to announce that I am clearly getting thoughtless.  As in arriving at good solutions without going through the conscious process of thinking.  It is an amazing feeling.  Especially at the ripe old age of 61!  

Am getting more & more thoughtless, and that is a VERY good thing!!

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