Sunday, November 6, 2011
wake up!
and i don't even try.
and the reality is that i am the only one who can change the status quo.
what's the past 35 years been about if not looking what is in the eye & matching it to next best steps that secure my highest possible good?
Friday, November 4, 2011
north star bear
never thought before about the great good luck of having the brains & plain old-fashion common sense to recognize in the church & academy expressions of the utterly safe resting place of "all that is," to find sanctuary in the values of the one & ideals of the other.
then again - and this may sound cocky - but am quite amazed at how wholeness-oriented i've been all of my life, from my very earliest days. nothing i did, just always with me.
talked to john about it just last night, driving home from "the shift" class. always had a sense that the way i experienced people around me - within my birth family - living was somehow so very not right for me. as i underscored to john, i didn't find the others wrong, just not right for me. from my earliest days, strove for better balance, what i'd come to call "alignment".
classic case of "i don't know what IT is, but i'll recognize it when i see it." and i did! that is so beyond the beyond. something in me KNEW as soon as we met that john was a totally new something i'd never encountered before, a health source, a nurturer of wholeness.
a liztech broach i saw at feast n fancy several months ago, on an out & about with anne, almost made me gasp at first sight. only just read the description for "north star bear" (a bear reaching to a star) on the liztech website & now understand why ~ All bears are healers, white bears are particularly powerful. Characteristics associated with bears include strength, courage, adaptability, healing and spiritual communion.
yup, that's my john. how awesome, how downright goosebumpy that i recognized it in him - and the broach - as soon as i experienced it!