Summer temperatures & night work in the computer studio has me longing for whole-house air conditioning. Praise be for small, powerful fans & deflecting the beam of the studio light!
I grew up in a family that "made do," had a sister who downright glorified creatively eeking by. The older I get, the more it seems to me that "making do" isn't the virtue I once thought it was. My change of thinking all started with, of all things, an oven. A new oven, one that met my core needs, and a new microwave (recommended to purchase in conjunction with the new oven range, as it provides ventilation).
A friend, horrified that two toaster ovens handle all my baking, offered to purchase us a new oven range (our's has been basically a very big 2-burner unit for several years). When I asked for a budget, she told me to get what I needed. Except, as it turned out, the final price tag was WAY over what she'd envisioned.
Instead of being crestfallen, I thanked her for her generous offer - because it surely was - then declined. I'd seen what I need & "making do" with what was possible within the $ constraints was NOT an option. Having tasted what really met my needs, and perfectly happy with my two brave little toaster ovens, settling for less would have been ghastly. That might not make any sense to most people, but it's clear as day to me.
Why "settle" when you can be INSPIRED? Why "make do" when filling a need can be a goad to taking actions that make the dearly desired my own?
A lot of folks poo-poo ambition as a vice. Not me. Ambition is a spur. Imagine where we'd be without ambitious individuals! Competition was typically painted as a vice, too. Back when I was in high school, the girls were only allowed to compete with other classes - competition against other schools, competition that brought similar glory to what the boys achieved, was frowned upon for females.
Ambition & competition. Sure, they can be vices, but to me they are twin virtues that help mere mortals reach for heights beyond their natural reach.
An interesting rumination, springing from thoughts of a small, powerful fan & deflecting light so it doesn't turn the computer studio into a sauna. Thoughts about a whole-house air conditioning system that might never become reality (then again, one never knows what can happen if it matters enough to set my thoughts & heart on it), and the oven range/microwave combo that someday surely will. Moving past "making do" & "settling," embracing instead (however foreign they might feel) a wholesome sense of ambition & accomplishment-nurturing competition.